This evaluation covers four topics: 1/ Genetic diversity and biodiversity basics, 2/ electrophoresis of isoenzymes and DNA as as a technique for investigating diversity and 3/ Molecular markers
Q1. What does genetic diversity mean ? (make one choice):
- [ ] Genetic differences betwen animals, plants, bacteria and fungi.
- [ ] Genetic differences within a precise species.
- [ ] Genetic differences between psecies.
- [ ] species richness of an ecosystem.
Q2. What does Biodiversity mean ? (make one choice):
- [ ] Genetic differences betwen animals, plants, bacteria and fungi.
- [ ] Genetic differences within a precise species.
- [ ] Richness in strains, ecotypes and varieties of a species.
- [ ] species richness of an ecosystem.
Q1. Choose from the list of the following words those that are suitable to fill in the gaps (copy and paste the words in the gaps or write in CAPITAL LETTERS, respect the spaces).
- Protein and enzyme electrophoresis separates molecules on the basis of their [..............] (choice list: POLARITY, SIZE + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM).
- When treated by SDS (anionic detergent), they migrate on the basis of their [............] (choice list: POLARITY, SIZE + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM).
However, DNA (linear form) migrates toward the [.........] (choice list: ANODE, CATHODE, ANODE AND CATHODE), according to its [.........] (choice list: POLARITY, SIZE + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM + ELECTRICAL CHARGE, ELECTRICAL CHARGE, FORM), because DNA is charged [..........] (choice list: NEGATIVELY AND POSITIVELY, POSITIVELY, NEGATIVELY).
Q2. Choose from the list of the following words those that are suitable to filling gaps (copy and paste the words in the gaps or write them in CAPITAL LETTERS : ZYMOGRAM, CHROMATOGRAM, ALLELES, LOCI, IMMUNODETECTION, PROBE, SUBSTRATS, FRESH, DRY, NON DENATUTING, STABLE, AMBIENT.
- isoenzymes could be extracted from [.........] material.
- They are molecular markers obtained by electrophoresis in [...........] conditions, followed by revelation on gels with a [..........].
- After revelation, we obtain [..........], reflecting the [........] of precise genotypes.
Q17. Consultez le document ci joint et répondez aux questions relatives au zymogramme des endopeptidases (remplir les vides (copier et coller les mots dans les cases vides ou les écrire en MAJUSCULES) afin d'avoir une information correcte: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 60, 85, 25, 45, MONOMERIQUE, DIMERIQUE, TRIMERIQUE, TETRAMERIQUE.
Le zymogramme montre une zone de migration qui résulterait de l'expression d'un nombre de loci égal à [........]. Il(s) code(nt) pour une enzyme de structure [.......] qui est sous le contrôle de [.......] allèles.
Il en résulterait [......] génotypes.
rLe zymogramme montre uniquement [.......] génotypes, dont [....] homozygotes et [......] hétérozygotes.
L'hétérozygotie (pourcentage des des hétérozygotes par rapport au total) montrée par ce zymogramme est [.......]%.